"And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates."
~Deuteronomy 6:6-9 (ESV)
In the past few years I have been slowly adding Scripture verses as a means of home decor. It is beautiful, because God's Word is beautiful. It brings peace to my soul when I remember to look up and actually read what is written. There are many times I have been comforted by the words of the Bible written on the doorposts of our home. The photo above is what you first see on our front door. It was a special gift given to us when we moved into this home. I love that it immediately tells guests something about who we are as a family (and, it can be rather convicting to think about whether we are accurately reflecting the love and beauty of Christ to those who knock!).
Since Doorposts is hosting a contest of ideas for adorning our homes with Scripture, I thought it was a perfect opportunity to go around photographing and actually pay attention to areas of my home that have Scripture and those I would like to add Scripture to.
My favorite one is this.....it is in my kitchen (and I spend LOTS of time in my kitchen and I need LOTS of time with this verse!)
I bought the three-dimensional cherry stencil close to ten years ago. I used it on our previous house, but didn't have room for a verse. When I found this verse at Wise Decor, it was absolutely the perfect size for the space I had to put it in. I was delighted! I love red themes in my kitchen and dining room and I had wanted a cherry-decor kitchen for years. So it was such a joy to bring these two ideas together.
I have another verse in my dining room. This one I purchased from Vision Forum and it fits perfectly in this space as well. As an extra bonus, the color of the lettering matches my dining room!
I have this sweet throw blanket in the favorite spot where I rock my babies, spend time in the Word and prayer, and read lots of books to children (and myself).
I made this one on the occasion of our wedding (don't mind how wrinkled it looks--I didn't know much about framing stitch works back then!)
And finally, this lovely arrangement around my tub. It makes for a peaceful retreat.
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