Epiphany---it means "to make known" or "reveal." And I am in need of revelation today. I seem to be walking about in a fog--not at all with the kind of intention those wise men must have had in following the star to that wee cradle in Bethlehem.
It is the formal end of the Christmas season. Difficult as it is in our culture, I am determined to hold onto Christmas throughout the twelve days (which follow, not precede Christmas Day). Each year I slowly develop more thought as to how to make this happen. It is far from a perfect thought, but it is in process. And on this particular day in the church calendar we celebrate the arrival of The Wise Men to see Jesus, bearing their regal gifts for a true King. Christ was revealed to them. That HAS to be amazing!
"Never be content with your current grasp of the gospel. The gospel is life-permeating, world-altering, universe-changing truth. It has more facets than a diamond. Its depths man will never exhaust. ~"The Cross-Centered Life" by C.J. Mahaney
It's sort of a buzz-word (phrase) to say I must "preach the gospel to myself everyday." But it is nonetheless true and wholly necessary. On this day it has been particularly difficult. I have wished for a heart like the Wise Men---offering the best that I have, seeking until I find what is truly worth finding, and letting Christ show himself to me. Sadly, today that heart has been lacking.
It's been good to celebrate this day (though we really did most of it last night on Twelfth Night), turn our thoughts toward the Wise Men, and seek for God's wisdom. At day's end my fog has lifted. I wish I could see the stars outside, but I am ever so grateful that the star of His revelation has dawned right now. And HE is the one giving gifts to me! May my humble offerings (and even daily messes) somehow shine forth His glory.
"Each breath I intake,ev'ry beat of my heart,All pleasures well-tastedare His to impartIndeed, for such blessingsHe should be adoredAnd honored supremelyas eminent Lord."
~"A Gospel Primer" by Milton Vincent
(And here's our King Cake to commemorate the occasion).
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